
How to Apply:

Admissions Requirements

  1. 完成免费在线申请: Once your application form is processed you will receive an email with your application portal login credentials and instructions for submitting supplemental materials as listed below.
  2. Essay: 申请人将被要求写两份陈述:
    • In two to three double-spaced pages, please describe significant life experiences that have contributed to your interest in your field, your understanding of this field, your occupational objectives, 以及你为什么选择十大赌博靠谱信誉网站. 
    • Please develop a three to five page document addressing the following prompt: Identify a significant problem of practice faced in your work setting or community, 包括分析为什么这是一个问题,以及它与公平和教育的关系. Please also address how this problem relates to your interest in pursuing a PhD in educational leadership.*
      • *The committee will be examining this writing sample with an eye toward how the candidate integrates relevant scholarly literature to support their statement. 
  3. Resume: 请包括所有的大学活动, out-of-school leadership experiences, work history, and community involvement to support your interest in or qualifications for graduate study. 
  4. Three letters of recommendation: Three letters of recommendation from a faculty member or direct supervisor: Recommenders will receive an email when you submit your application and will be able to upload your letter to your application.
  5. Interview: 在审查所有录取材料后, applicants being considered for admission will be interviewed (via Zoom) by two program faculty. 十大赌博信誉的平台预计面试将在3月份开始.
  6. Master's Degree: 这个项目需要硕士学位.
  7. Transcripts: 您需要提供您所就读的每个学院/大学的正式成绩单. In order to be considered official, 成绩单必须直接从原始来源收到, by email to graduate@springfield.edu or mailed to the college address: 

Springfield College
Office of Graduate Admissions
263 Alden Street
​​​​​​​Springfield, MA 01109

International Applicants

所有来自非英语国家的国际申请者都是必需的, 除了上面列出的项目, to submit:

  • 托福或雅思的英语语言能力证明. 其他测试也可根据具体情况接受. Please refer to our language requirements for more information on acceptable tests, minimum scores, exemptions, and conditional acceptance. If your undergraduate degree was earned in the United States and you successfully completed college-level English, 十大赌博信誉的平台将考虑英语语言能力达到.
  • Please note: Transcripts must be in English. If the transcript is not in English you will be required to submit a professional credential evaluation completed by any member of the 全国证书评估服务协会(NACES). For this we recommend SpanTran,为十大赌博靠谱信誉网站(Springfield College)的申请者定制了门户网站. World Education Services or Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. 也推荐给你的证书评估.

The staff in the Office of International Admissions can assist you with questions you may have about enrolling at Springfield College as an international student by emailing intladmissions@adventurevail.com.

Application Deadlines

  • 优先申请及证明材料截止日期: March 1
  • 最终申请及证明材料截止日期: March 15

Program Competencies:

Program Competencies

Program Competencies

We use nine competencies to serve as the foundation to guide your learning and scholarly pursuits. These competencies were developed to guide curriculum development and prepare leaders to advance equity and racial justice in the U.S. educational system.


  1. Identify one’s strengths and challenges as a leader and seek opportunities to develop skills.
  2. 培养和促进一个包容的、有凝聚力的团队和利益相关者进行战略思考, critically, and creatively.
  3. Apply leadership theory and models.
  4. 采取明智和道德的风险来创造社会变革.
  5. 培养个人在组织中促进公平的信心和能力.   


  1. Explain the systematic impact educational inequity has on society at large and develop strategies to create equity.
  2. Critically and systematically examine questions and problems of practice to generate equitable solutions.
  3. 使用适当的分析和研究方法来拆除压迫制度.
  4. 倡导更公平的做法.
  5. Engage in consciousness-raising and lead by example in a way that allows others to learn and progress toward equity mindedness.

Historical Context of U.S. Educational Systems

  1. 描述教育结构不平等的历史基础.
  2. 将当前问题与历史趋势进行比较和对比.
  3. 批判社会和文化问题,并将其置于当代问题中.

Teaching and Learning

  1. Apply pedagogy that educates diverse populations and creates an inclusive and just teaching and learning environment.
  2. 阐述理论建构如何影响学习和发展.

Law, Policy, Governance

  1. Interpret how current laws and policies impact educational systems and promote or discourage inequity.
  2. 批判性地分析州和联邦法律和政策,以消除不平等.


  1. 确定公立和私立教育的资金来源.
  2. 批判性地分析资源的分配如何影响公平.
  3. 检查教育系统的治理. 

Professional Scholarship

  1. 制定一个专业计划来保持最新的知识和技能.
  2. 清晰地呈现相关信息, organized manner, 并将重要信息传达给合适的受众.


  1. 检查研究方法的优势和局限性.
  2. Apply concepts, strategies, and techniques to conduct rigorous ethical research using multiple methodological approaches.
  3. Generate original knowledge and understanding to make a substantial contribution in leading the work to dismantle inequity in education.

Civic Engagement

  1. 与本地和外部资源联系,促进教育公平.
  2. 检查当地和州的情况,为系统的教育问题创造解决方案.

Land Acknowledgement 

We acknowledge and work to honorably learn and create on the ancestral Native homelands of those who walked before us and those who still walk here—land taken through settler colonialism—keeping in mind the integrity of this territory where area Native peoples identify as Nipmuc (see http://native-land.ca/). 十大赌博信誉的平台很感激能以客人的身份在这片土地上恭敬地生活和工作.
